LHDN (Inland Revenue Board) has recently released the Return Form (RF) Filing Programme For The Year 2024 on its website, which listed all the file types, due dates, grace period, and filing method for your references. (Related Article : 7 Tips to File Malaysian Income Tax For Beginners)
With that said, we have prepared a summary of the filing programme as below with highlights to some of the key changes in 2024.
1. Form EA: Yearly remuneration statement

According to Section 83(1A) Income Tax Act 1967, “that every employer shall, for each year, prepare and render to his employee statement of remuneration (Form EA) of that employee on or before the last day of February in the year immediately following the first mentioned year”. An employee can have more than one Form EA in a year in the case of switching multiple jobs over the past year.
Form EA Deadline:
- General submission deadline: 29 February 2024
- E-filing submission deadline: 15 May 2024
Form EA Important Notes:
- Employer must issue form EA to employee
- Failure to prepare and render Form EA to employees before last day of February will be fined RM200 - RM20,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or both.
- Pro tip: If you're a Swingvy Payroll user or Swingvy Payroll Service client, the platform generates Form EA for free and distributes to every employee via email seamlessly! (Related Article : What is Form EA and How to Generate it with Swingvy Effortlessly?)
2. Form E: Declaration report of companies

The following information are required to fill up the Form E:
- Employer’s (company’s) details
- Employees remuneration information(i.e. salaries, wages, allowance, incentives & etc.) to be included in the CP8D form. (Related Article : What is CP8D Form?)
Form E deadline:
- General Form E submission deadline: 31 March 2024
- E-filing submission deadline: 30 April 2024
Form E Important Notes:
- Filing of Return Form of Employer (Form E) must submit together with CP8D Form.
- Form E is to be submitted to Bahagian Pengurusan Rekod & Maklumat Percukaian, Jabatan Operasi Cukai (previously Pusat Pemprosesan Maklumat).
- Failure to submit Form E are liable to a fine of not less than RM200 and not more than RM20,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both under the Income Tax Act Section 120(1)(b).
- Related Article : What is Form E and How to Generate it with Swingvy Effortlessly?
What's e-Data Praisi: It's an online system developed for employers to upload the employees’ salary income information in the form of pre-filled data follows the specification set by the IRB.
The Prefill data is the employee income data and the data will be included in the employee e-Form. When the employees fill in the e-BE / e-B / e-BT / e-M / e-MT, the salary income information will automatically appear on the Form E.
This will save time and simplify the user's process. However, the data can still be amended if there are changes before signing and submission of the form electronically.

3. Form BE: Personal income tax filing

Any individual earning more than RM34,000 per annum (or roughly RM2,833.33 per month) after EPF deductions has to register a tax file. You don’t have to pay taxes in Malaysia if you have been employed in the country for less than 60 days or for income that is earned from outside Malaysia.
Before you start filing your personal income tax via e-filing, ensure that you have gotten your Form EA from your employer. This is to ensure that the remuneration information in your Form EA matches the amount in your e-BE via ezHasil portal.
If this is your first time filing your tax through e-Filing, go to MyTax where you can apply online for the registration of income Tax File for individuals and companies. Or, you may refer to this detailed guide to navigate your e-filing journey.
Form BE deadline:
- General submission deadline: 30 April 2024
- E-filing submission deadline: 15 May 2024
4. Form B

Form B deadline:
- General submission due date: 30 June 2024
- E-Filing deadline: 15 July 2024
5. Form P: Income tax return for partnerships

Although a partnership is not subjected to pay tax, it still has to file an annual income tax return (Form P) to show all income earned and business expenses deducted by the partnership during the year. The partnership could file Form P through paper-form submission or e-filling.
According to 3E Accounting Malaysia, the precedent partner is responsible for filling out the Form P and issuing the Form CP30 to each and every partner. The Form CP30 (Apportionment Of Partnership Income) has to be provided to each partner so as to enable them to declare their partnership income within the stipulated period i.e. 30 June for individual and 7 months after closing of financial year for companies.
Form P deadline:
- General submission due date: 30 June 2024
- E-Filing: 15 July 2024
6. Form C: Income tax return for companies

Beginning year of assessment 2020, a company has to self assess income tax payable and submit the declaration to LHDN using Form C.According to PWC Malaysia, taxpayer has to indicate if the Company is involved in any controlled transaction*.
Form C Deadline:
- The submission of the Form C should be made within 7 months after the close of the accounting period.
- E-Filing: Within 8 months from the date following the close of the accounting period.
Form C Important notes:
- Form C has to be submitted together with Form R to LHDN for the same year of assessment.
- Sample of Form C 2021 can be accessed here
7. Form PT: Income tax return for limited liability partnerships

LLP partners will need to register for a Tax File at a nearby LHDN branch, simply by filing in Form CP 600PT.
A limited liability partnership which has furnished a Return Form in accordance with subsection 77A(1) of ITA 1967, is allowed to make amendment to the Return.
Additional tax shall be charged on the chargeable income of the limited liability partnership as a result of
the amendment made. You may refer to LHDN's guide notes in regards to form P.
Form PT deadline:
- General submission due date: Within seven months from the date following the close of the accounting period, which constitutes the basis period for the year of assessment.
- E-Filing: Within an additional one month from the date following the close of the accounting period, which constitutes the basis period for the year of assessment.
Form PT Important notes:
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